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Jazz Guitar First Steps (3:16)
How to Use Concierge
[WATCH FIRST] How to Use Concierge (6:41)
Jazz Guitar Comping 101
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Dominant and Minor Shells, Latin Rhythms (2:57)
Week 2: Dominant Extensions and The Blues (2:22)
Week 3: Minor Extensions and Latin Vamps with Extensions (4:12)
Week 4: Major Shells, Completing the ii-V-I (3:28)
Week 5: Extensions to Major Shells, Extended ii-V-I (2:58)
Week 6: The Jazz Blues (3:22)
Learn the Fretboard 2.0
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Natural Notes on 1 String (2:40)
Week 2: Modes (2:03)
Week 3: Notes on 2 Adjacent Strings (1:52)
Week 4: Playing in Different Keys (3:14)
Week 5: Advanced Exercises (2:49)
Week 6: Melodies on Limited Strings (3:24)
Harmony 101
How to Get Start with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Basic Harmony & Western Music Theory (2:58)
Week 2: Chord Construction & Harmonizing the Major Scale (2:07)
Week 3: Inversions & Harmonizing Major Scale in 6ths and 4ths (3:13)
Week 4: Jazz 7th Chords - Closed Voicings, Drop 2, and More (3:16)
Jazz Guitar Improv 101
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Defining the Sandbox (3:49)
Week 2: More Improv with Chordscales (2:36)
Week 3: Guide Tones (3:08)
Week 4: More Guide Tone Improv w/ Autumn Leaves (2:35)
Week 5: Arpeggios On All the Things You Are (2:33)
Week 6: More Arpeggios & Licks w/ All the Things You Are (3:01)
Week 7: Bb Blues w/ Pentatonics (3:24)
Week 8: Improv 101 "Final Exam" (3:50)
Chord Melody Crash Course
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Melody & Register (3:03)
Week 2: Misty + Step-by-Step Process (3:41)
Week 3: Misty Intermediate Chord Melody (2:43)
Week 4: Create Your Own Chord Melody (2:48)
Painless Scale Positions
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Scale Positions In All 12 Keys (3:55)
Week 2: Cycling One Octave Positions (1:39)
Week 3: Connecting Scales to Actual Music (1:25)
Week 4: Two-Octave Scales & More (3:10)
Week 5: Scales with Finger Slides (1:59)
Week 6: Connecting ALL Your Scale Positions (2:31)
Week 7: Everything in All 12 Keys! (2:55)
Jazz Guitar Comping 102
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Revisiting Blues & Half-Step Approach (1:59)
Week 2: Cycle of Fourths (1:53)
Week 3: Minor Spin on II-V-I (2:47)
Week 4: Spicing Up Your Jazz Blues (2:25)
Week 5: 6432 & 5432 Shells with Alterations (2:29)
Week 6: Rootless Voicings and Drop 2s (2:50)
Jazz Guitar Improv 102
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Expanding On Guide-Tones (3:12)
Week 2: II-V-Is and Familiar Tunes (2:08)
Week 3: Expanding on Chordscales (2:43)
Week 4: More Guide-Tone Vocabulary (3:24)
Week 5: Arpeggio Vocabulary On All the Things (2:50)
Week 6: Expanding On Improv Over All the Things (2:45)
Week 7: Pentatonics On a Bb Blues (2:11)
Week 8: Thinking More Abstractly (3:43)
Chord Melody: Beyond Top Notes
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Accompaniment Foundation (3:13)
Week 2: Adding Extensions (2:18)
Week 3: Extended Shells + Latin Vamps (2:59)
Week 4: Maj7 & 6 Chords + II-V-I Sequences (2:50)
Week 5: Expanding On Maj7 & 6 Chords + More Sequences (3:12)
Week 6: "Jazzier" Blues + Use Extended Shells Throughout (2:10)
Jazz Guitar Comping 103
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Advanced Blues Comping (3:29)
Week 2: Stepping Away from the Root with Drop 2 Chords (3:13)
Week 3: Extensions On Drop 2 Chords (1:57)
Week 4: Comping Behind the Melody & Rootless Cycling (2:50)
Week 5: Harmonic Plumbing (2:25)
Week 6: Minor Blues + Wrap Up (2:34)
Drop 2 is the New Black
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Drop 2 C Chords & Inversions + Cycling (1:48)
Week 2: Drop 2 On ii-V-I + Swapping Root for 9th (1:09)
Week 3: Modern ii-V + Putting Things Together (2:00)
Week 4: Pivoting for Fluid Comping (1:58)
Week 5: Chord Melody & More On Autumn Leaves (1:25)
Week 6: 9ths, Modern Voicings, & More On Autumn Leaves (3:37)
Improv & Chromaticism
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Chromatic Approaches & Blues Applications (3:55)
Week 2: Adding 3 & 4 Note Approaches (2:43)
Week 3: Forward Motion Approaches & Applications (1:41)
Week 4: Forward Motion Theory & More (4:53)
Week 5: Whole-Note Approach Etude & More (3:35)
Week 6: Half-Note Approach Etude & More (3:21)
Deja Vu
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Mastering Guitar with Scales, Arpeggios, and More (1:40)
Week 2: Unisons & Intervals All Over the Fretboard (1:09)
Week 3: Diagonal Motion with Open String Cells and More (1:48)
Week 4: Major Scales with Different Fingering Types (2:07)
Week 5: Dyads, Triads, Arpeggios, and Jazz Chords (1:18)
Week 6: 3-Note Cell Fingerings for Pentatonics and More (1:58)
Jazz Guitar Improv 103
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Scale Warm-Ups for Flexibility (4:01)
Week 2: Enclosures, Targeting 3rds, & More Third Pillar (1:57)
Week 3: Analyzing Miles' Use of Spacing (1:51)
Week 4: Soloing On Adjacent Strings - Trading 4s & Choruses (1:58)
Week 5: Autumn Leaves & Forward Motion Approaches (2:41)
Week 6: All the Things - Forced Breaks + Solo Demo & 3/4 Time (2:02)
Week 7: Bb Blues - Different Approaches on the VI Chord (2:08)
Week 8: Lots of Discussion, Wrap-Up, & Bonus Content (3:44)
25 Exercises for Better Jazz Phrasing
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Establish Basic One-Octave Fingerings (1:51)
Week 2: Chromatic Scales - Comparing Fingerings (1:38)
Week 3: Arpeggios for Diagonal Fingerings & Bebop Scales (0:56)
Week 4: Forward Motion & More Chromatic Scales (2:44)
Week 5: 3-Octave Bebop Scales Using Forward Motion (2:27)
Week 6: Bebop Modes from the MAJOR Scale with FM (2:17)
Week 7: Bebop Modes Mel. Minor + 2-Octave Maj/Min Modes (1:34)
Week 8: Advanced Exercises (3:17)
Chord Melody Mastery
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Advanced Chord Melody Techniques (3:22)
Week 2: Active Melody with Contrary Motion (1:44)
Week 3: Melody In Bass (1:24)
Week 4: Arpeggiated Comping (1:43)
Week 5: Write Your Own Arpeggiated Chord Melody (1:15)
Week 6: Theory On Chord Subs (2:41)
Week 7: Walking Bass Chord Melody (2:45)
Week 8: Chord Melody Walking Bass On Girl from Ipanema and More (3:19)
All the Arpeggios You Are
How to Get Started with This Course
Repertoire - Learn a Tune Alongside Your Course!
Week 1: Establish the Basic Approach (2:44)
Week 2: Approaching Parent Chord Shapes Melodically (0:49)
Week 3: Creative Shapes On II-V-I Played Harmonically (1:25)
Week 4: Creative Shapes On II-V-I Played Melodically (0:59)
Week 5: Melodic Arpeggio Study On All the Things You Are (2:24)
Week 1: Scale Warm-Ups for Flexibility
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